I think you are right that increased awareness does not equal increased maturation. Just increasing awareness of others does not necessarily mean you have attained some "higher" stage. In fact, increased awareness alone, without a concomitant increase in maturation, likely leads to increased misery and confusion. Unless you are also increasing awareness of your self, inside, this is a dangerous place to be in, likely leading to nihilism and powerlessness. Even just becoming aware of your internal life and its discontents seems insufficient. That too can lead to a life filled with misery. Maturation, it would seem, does require virtue, something to orient yourself to that is greater than what you are. This begins at home, inside you. We are powerless to change the outside world in very fundamental ways. We are not powerless to change ourselves. If we want to change the world, we have to be able to change ourselves, for we are where the world begins, for us. If we cannot show ourselves the love and acceptance we want to see in the world, if we cannot act towards virtue inside and in our small sphere of influence, then all the other things we are aware of that we see as unjust, will remain so until we find that peace, the justice in our being.

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Great point Jon. It's a point I hadn't articulated as I'm figuring out my relationship to Metamodernism but yes. I know this as well — in myself as well. There's a paralysis that comes with complexity and learning more isn't the surest way to action. It reminds me of something Emerson said: "Your love abroad is spite at home"

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I’m familiar with McLaren‘s stages of faith, but I really like your quick description of them. Thanks Jon.

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I call that acceptance and tolerance. The bigger the pool, the more splashing I'll have to deal with.. lol

.. the goal is to swim together comfortably, backstroke, butterfly whatever form we all have, not stealing the floaties, help those that are drowning or learning to swim and enjoy the good weather... :)

"We are all just floating down here." Hahaha

Love and tolerance are always the answer.

Thank you for writing!

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"The bigger the pool, the more splashing..." love that view — thanks for sharing!

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I strongly agree with you. As a Spiral Dynamics practitioner and coach, I see that this danger is more than real in my clients.

I like it when we are aware that all "previous stages" still live in us and vibrate in us. It is wonderful to see people go up and down the Spiral, like in the famous image by William Blake's called "Jacob's ladder". They intuitively know or have learned to "apply" the value hierarchy, thinking, communication, and skills of the stage or stages best fit for the situation.

To be mature in "harmony", "yellow", "teal", "self-transformation", or "secondary integration" does mean to meet people where they are, to have healed one's own integration of less complex stages, and to see how to apply all value memes when applicable.

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This is a great perspective, thank you.

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