Wow, what an honor to be included on this list!!! Thank you!

And also: I think you just have to figure out what you want to learn, write about all of those things, and then figure out your “niche” in retrospect. Eventually it becomes more clear through research and writing. When I was completing my Substack Fellowship they talked about how many authors just create a weekly or monthly publishing discipline and only figure out what they were interested in one or two years in. Even then it evolves!!

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That's really helpful, Elle. Here I am, thinking I need to declare a niche from the outset when I should just find the niche through, like you say, figuring out what I want to learn and then reading and writing on that topic. Thank you!

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Oh yeah, I don't know how it would be possible to declare a niche from the outset. Just follow your curiosity and write about it along the way. It's been working so far for me (and I've changed the name of my newsletter once, and have changed my bio several times as I've figured out where my curiosity is going!)

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I'm so grateful for the shoutout here, and to be included with this very great list of writers. Thanks so much!

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